This is my opinion, of which, I have a right to voice. I am aware that others may not agree. Stuff happens....
No, I don't watch "Love and Hip Hop" because I already knew from the initial pilot trailer that I was going to be sickened by the ratchetness that IS that show. I gave it a few chances and still, no, I just couldn't. Why? Because it's not HIP HOP! The artists are rap artists and producers; and yes, it falls into an element of Hip Hop Culture, but what the CULTURE was created for was not THAT!
A 40 year culture, that started with activism, freedom and movements to stop violence in our neighborhoods, now contributes to the ratchetness that is in our neighborhoods. Yes, one can say that people make their own choices and they can and do, but choices are still influenced. Where I will not say that the image of RAP is not responsible for what is going on in our communities, it is a contributor, glorifying human acts that contradict the creation of the culture!!
Sure, people watch the, cool, again another choice, but what is not a choice is what appears in my newsfeed and tweets that is putting Mimi and her film boo out there, even more than they have. So I see still shots and links that say, "Here's the trailer for the sex tape" and "WorldStar Hip Hop has it!" I am clicking 'hide' and another one pops up. NO, I won't watch it- not my thing. No shade to those who post it, it's your choice, but I refuse to entertain it.
What I did entertain was the trailer for the season opener, as I always do. I said I would 'try' to give it a chance and it fails EVERY time. So you see Mimi all happy about making the tape and then they find out that it has 'leaked' (yeah right). She is all 'devastated' and then thinks about the fact that she has a daughter. As a mother I can understand as you want to be the best example for your children. What I did not understand is that they were told it could make them a lot of money (I hope that wasn't really said and was cut for 'affect' - doubt it though) and LO AND BEHOLD, the trailer surfaces. So much for the emotions about your example for your daughter, Mimi (out of the window).
One can say, "Well Dr. Jai, let's not forget that Big Daddy Kane posed for PlayGirl!" You are right, he did and the HIP HOP CULTURE fired back at him like, "Dude, what were you thinking?!?!?" He tainted his rep for a bit, but it was over and NOT under the name of "HIP HOP". He did not do it for "HIP HOP". It was his own decision. Yes, songs like "Put it in Your Mouth", "Buddy" and "Sally" told the story of sex; there are several songs that have, but over time, we have seen the lines blurred in rap videos and lyrics and now platforms on tv (Love and Hip Hop) and the internet (WorldStar Hip Hop) have now contributed to, not only glorifying the porn industry, but glorifying it IN THE NAME OF HIP HOP!! It's tatted all in the brand!!
So, what is a woman who loves the hip hop culture to do? In January, I created "Graffiti Alley Radio" as a means to bring positivity back to Hip Hop culture, highlighting its origins! We highlight the positive stories of then and now, that have contributed to making the culture a global phenomenon. We highlight people who grew up in the Hip Hop Culture who have become positive contributors in the community, many in the name of TRUE HIP HOP! It has grown from 4 to 9 elements; that's pretty dope! Sorely, thanks to this situation, I guess PORN will be a new element (*sarcastically stated* I hope not, but at this rate.... I just don't know *side eye*). All I can say is that I am royally PISSED! Surely, this isn't dopeness; it's straight stupidity!
I will hold on to the bit of hope that Hip Hop still has. This situation has created a sour taste in my mouth, which has grown from the bitter taste I had about how women are portrayed in the culture; however, I still love, what I now have to call, AUTHENTIC HIP HOP! I'm a die-hard, hip hop head! I will leave ratchet rap for ratchet folks.
It's Hip. It's Hip Hop. It's Hope! I have to hold on to what 'hope' is left in, what is now, the culture's influence.
Dr. Jai,
The Dopest Doctor
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